Preston Crow

About Me


Fire Dept.
Ashland Happy Board (FB)


Sustainability is one of my core values, both in my personal life and for the community. People have always strived to build a better world for the future, and we now know that to do that, we must be responsible in our stewardship of our resources. We must be mindful of what we use.

In town, I've been a member of the Sustainability Committee. On the Planning Board, I've ensured that new apartment buildings have options for EV charging. I participate every year in the Green Up Ashland Day.

I've been impressed with the actions of the Sustainabilty Committee, especially with the Net Zero 2040 initiative. Town Meeting passed that last fall, but it's easy to make promises and much harder to actually implement the policies that will deliver. I joined with the Sustainabilty Committee to push for a more efficient HVAC design for the upcoming public safety building, as the initial proposal wasn't any more efficient than the existing buildings. The town must lead by example.

At home, we installed solar panels and solar hot water in 2009. In 2015, as part of the Ashland Solar Challenge that I helped set up as a member of the Sustainability Committee, we had a second array of solar panels installed. As our gas cars have died, we've replaced them with electric cars, and we will never go back. A few years ago I moved to an electric lawn mower, and a year ago to an electric snow blower. At the same time, I recognize that not everyone has the ability to make these same changes; if we all just do what we can, we'll make tremendous progress.


Contact the candidate:
text or call: 508-250-6253